
IT 技术栈

What you use at work and speak about? A tech stack is a combination of technologies a company uses to build and run an application or project.

  columns 4
  A["Programming Languages"]
  C["Operating Systems"]
  E["Applications connected via API"]
  F["Business Intelligence Solutions"]
  G["Front-end Tools"]
  H["Back-end Tools"]
编程语言 发音
Python /ˈpaɪθən/ 或 /ˈpɪθɒn/
JavaScript /ˈdʒɑːvəskrɪpt/
Java /ˈdʒɑːvə/
C++ 通常读作 "C plus plus",/siː plʌs plʌs/
C# 通常读作 "C sharp",/siː ʃɑːp/
PHP /piːtʃeɪtʃpiː/ "Pee-Hypee" 或 /fɑɪp/ "Fayp"(取决于地区)
Ruby /ˈruːbi/
Swift /swɪft/
Go /goʊ/
Kotlin /ˈkɒtlɪn/
Rust /rʌst/
TypeScript /ˈtaɪpskrɪpt/
Scala /ˈskeɪlə/
C /siː/
Objective-C /əbˈdʒɛktɪv siː/

If you learn how to code in Kotlin, you can choose from hundreds of jobs on the market.

Apps for Android operating system are built on Kotlin. Almost all of the apps you use on your Android phone run on Kotlin.

Around 80% of the world's largest websites use back-end web apps built with Kotlin.

(with the help of Kotlin)

A good Kotlin programmer has to be able to write good, clean Kotlin code that solves a problem.


Popular back-end frameworks

Ruby on Rails-['ru:bI on reilz]
.NET-[dot net]

Popular front-end frameworks and tools

AngularJS-['aengjiula dger es]
Emberjs-['emba dger es]
Backbonejs-['baekbaun dzer es]

A framework is a collection of languages, libraries['laibr(a)rIz], and utilities[ju:'tIlItIz] designed to help developers build applications.

Laravel is a web application framework with clear and elegant syntax['sIntaeks].

  • utility: a small program that provides an addition to the capabilities provided by the operating system

  • syntax: rules that define the structure of a language


  • 系统管理工具:如任务管理器、磁盘清理、磁盘碎片整理等,用于维护和优化系统性能。
  • 文件管理工具:如压缩/解压缩工具、文件加密/解密工具、文件搜索工具等,用于文件的处理和管理。
  • 网络管理工具:如网络监视器、端口扫描器、网络配置工具等,用于网络的监测和管理。
  • 性能优化工具:如内存优化器、启动项管理器等,用于提升系统的运行速度和稳定性。

utility 需要和 utilization 作区分。比如:Resource utilization 资源利用率。

On one hand Django ensures rapid['raepId] development[dI'velopmant], fast processing['prausesIn] and scalability[,skerla'bllati], whereas on the other hand it has monolithic[,mona'lI0Ik] nature and is not suitable for smaller projects.

  • processing : Manipulation of data by a computer(e.g. conversion of raw data into machine-readable form)

  • scalability : The property of a system to handle a growing amount of work by adding resources to the system

  • monolithic : composed all in one piece

  • rapid : fast, quick

Operating systems

  • MS Windows
  • Mac Os
  • Ubuntu - [u' bu:ntu] / [a'bantu]
  • Fedora - [fI'd):rə]
  • Solaris
  • Chrome OS - [kraum]

APl platforms

  • Segment ['segmant]
  • Apigee [erprdI]
  • Mulesoft [mju:lsoft]
  • Tealium ['ti:liam]
  • Zapier ['zæepIə]

APls are applications that help you connect to different tools. Those tools make up your extended[Ik'stendId]tech stack.

  • API[eI pI aI] : Application Programming Interface

  • extended : broader, wider

Servers and load balancing

  • AWS (Amazon Web Services)
  • Google Cloud
  • Azure ['ae3a]
  • Apache [8'paetfi]
  • Nginx [engine x]
  • CloudFlare
  • Fastly

This category includes servers, content distribution networks, routing ['ru:tin] and caching [kaejin] services that let your applications send and receive requests [ri'kwests], run smoothly, and scale capacity as needed.

  • routing ['ru:tin]: process of selecting a path for traffic in a network or across multiple networks
  • request[rr'kwest]: request-response is one of the basic methods, that computers use to communicate with each other in a network. The first computer sends a request for some data and the second responds to the request.
  • smoothly['smu:oll]: without problems or difficulties

Data storage and querying

  • MySQL [ εs , kju: 'εl]/ ['si:kwəl]-Structured Query ['kwI(ə)rI] Language
  • Azure ['æe3ə] SQL Synapse Analytics
  • MongoDB
  • Redshift
  • PostgreSQL ['paust'gres ( kju:' εl)]
  • Snowflake
  • Splunk

This layer of the stack consists of relational[rI'leI(a)nal] and non-relational databases, data warehouses['weahausiz], and data pipelines that allow you to databases, data warehouses['weahausiz], and data pipelines that allow you to store and query['kwI(a)rI] all of your real-time and historical data.

data warehouse['weahaus] DW or DWH : a system used for reporting and data analysis. It is considered a core component of business intelligence.

query['kwI(a)rI]: a request for data from a database table or combination of tables. This data may be generated as results returned by SQL.

Business intelligence solutions

  • Microsoft Power Bl [bi:ar]
  • SAP Business Objects
  • Tableau [taeb'lou]
  • Looker ['lukə]

BI tools bring together data gathered from multiple parts of the company and the market, and are designed to help track company performance and make higher-level business decisions.

  • track: to record the progress or development

Full-stack developer

A full stack web developer is a person who can develop both front end(client side) and back end(server side) software. They can work well with the variety of languages as well as frameworks and can quickly learn something new.

Full Stack Developers usually have skills in a lot of different niches, from databases and web development to graphic design and UI/UX management.

Such developers are important for a company because they can help with various stages of development and have the skills to assist the team members of all levels and specializations.


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