

英文进行面试时,interviewer 通常会由先让 applicant 或者 candidate 介绍自己开始,逐渐的会引申到以下7个环节。

graph TD;
    A[Introduction] --> B[Education];
    B --> C[Skills];
    C --> D[Experience];
    D --> E[Motivation];
    E --> F[Behavioral Questions];
    F --> G[Closing];

    A ---|Name| B;
    B ---|Degree| C;
    C ---|Technical Skills| D;
    D ---|Company| E;
    E ---|Why This Position?| F;
    F ---|Tell me about a time when...| G;


  1. Introduction (介绍)

    • Name (姓名)
    • Background (背景)
    • Experience (经验)
  2. Education (教育)

    • Degree (学位)
    • Major (专业)
    • Graduation Date (毕业日期)
  3. Skills (技能)

    • Technical Skills (技术技能)
    • Soft Skills (软技能)
    • Language Skills (语言能力)
  4. Experience (工作经历)

    • Company (公司)
    • Position (职位)
    • Responsibilities (职责)
    • Achievements (成就)
  5. Motivation (动机)

    • Why This Position? (为什么选择这个职位?)
    • Career Goals (职业目标)
  6. Behavioral Questions (行为面试问题)

    • Tell me about a time when... (请描述一次...)
    • How do you handle...? (你如何处理...?)
    • What would you do if...? (如果...你会怎么做?)
  7. Closing (结束)

    • Thank You (谢谢)
    • Next Steps (下一步)
    • Follow-up (跟进)


graph TD;
    Interviewer[Interviewer] -->|Evaluates| Interviewee(Interviewee/Candidate);
    Interviewee -->|Demonstrates Skills| Interviewer;
    Interviewer -->|Asks Questions| Interviewee;
    Interviewee -->|Answers Questions| Interviewer;
    Interviewer -->|Makes Decision| Decision{Hire or Not};
    Decision -->|Yes| Hire[Hire];
    Decision -->|No| NotHire[Do Not Hire];
  • Interviewer is the person responsible for assessing the candidate's abilities and suitability.
  • Interviewee (also referred to as Candidate) is the person showcasing their talents, experience, and personality to secure the job opportunity.
  • The interviewer evaluates the candidate by asking questions, and the candidate demonstrates their skills by answering those questions.
  • After the interview, the interviewer makes a decision based on the assessment.
  • Decision is a conditional node that determines whether to hire (Hire) or not hire (Do Not Hire) the candidate based on the interview results.
单词 音标(美式) 意思
Interviewer /ˈɪn.tərˌvju.ər/ 面试官
Interviewee /ˌɪn.tərˌvjuːˈiː/ 面试者
Candidate /ˈkæn.dɪ.dət/ 候选人
Abilities /əˈbɪl.ə.tiz/ 能力
Suitability /ˌsuː.təˈbɪl.ə.ti/ 适应性,适宜性
Evaluates /ɪˈvæl.ju.eɪt/ 评估
Questions /ˈkwestʃənz/ 问题
Demonstrates /dɛˈmɒn.streɪts/ 展示
Skills /skɪlz/ 技能
Decision /dɪˈsɪʒ.ən/ 决定
Conditional /kənˈdɪʃ.ən.l/ 条件性的
Determines /dɪˈtɜːr.mɪn/ 确定
Hire /ˈhaɪər/ 雇佣
Not Hire /nɒt ˈhaɪər/ 不雇佣


Sure, here are some common interview questions in English along with sample answers. Keep in mind that your responses should be tailored to your own experience, skills, and the specific job requirements.

1. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?

Sample Answer:

"Sure, my name is John Doe and I have been working in the field of software development for the past five years. I graduated from XYZ University with a degree in Computer Science, where I honed my skills in programming languages like Java and Python. Since then, I've had the opportunity to work on several projects, ranging from building scalable web applications to developing AI-powered tools. I'm particularly passionate about using technology to solve real-world problems and am excited about the potential of this role to make a meaningful impact. In my free time, I enjoy exploring new technologies and contributing to open-source projects."

2. Why are you interested in this position?

Sample Answer:

"I'm drawn to this position because of the company's reputation for innovation and its commitment to creating solutions that positively impact society. The role aligns perfectly with my skillset, particularly my expertise in cloud computing and data analytics. I'm excited about the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects and collaborate with a team of like-minded individuals who share my passion for technology. I believe my experience and enthusiasm can contribute significantly to the team's success."

3. What are your greatest strengths?

Sample Answer:

"One of my greatest strengths is my problem-solving ability. I thrive in situations that require critical thinking and creativity to find unique solutions. I'm also known for my strong communication skills, which allow me to effectively collaborate with team members from diverse backgrounds. Additionally, I'm highly organized and detail-oriented, ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and with minimal errors. These strengths have been instrumental in my previous roles and I believe they will be valuable assets in this position as well."

4. Can you describe a challenge you faced in your previous job and how you overcame it?

Sample Answer:

"During my previous job, we encountered a significant performance issue with our flagship product's database. The issue was impacting customer satisfaction and putting pressure on our team to find a quick solution. I took the initiative to lead a root cause analysis, which involved diving deep into the system's architecture and collaborating with cross-functional teams. Through a combination of optimization techniques and code refactors, we were able to identify and resolve the issue, significantly improving the product's performance. This experience not only reinforced my technical skills but also taught me the importance of leadership and collaboration in overcoming complex challenges."

5. What are your career goals?

Sample Answer:

"My career goals are centered around continuously growing my technical expertise and leadership abilities within the tech industry. I aspire to become a technical leader who can drive innovation and deliver impactful solutions that solve real-world problems. I'm particularly interested in exploring areas like artificial intelligence and machine learning, and I see this role as a stepping stone towards achieving those goals. I'm excited about the opportunity to learn and grow within this organization and contribute to its success in the years to come."

Remember, these are just sample answers. Always tailor your responses to highlight your unique strengths, experiences, and how they align with the job requirements and company culture.


单词 音标 意思
software /ˈsɒftweər/ 软件,尤指计算机程序或系统
development /dɪˈvɛləpmənt/ 发展,开发,尤指技术或产品的开发
graduate /ˈɡrædʒuːeɪt/ 毕业,尤指从高等教育机构获得学位
computer science /kəmˈpjuːtə® ˈsaɪəns/ 计算机科学,研究计算和信息处理的学科
scalable /ˈskeɪləbl/ 可扩展的,能够随着需求增长而增加的
AI /ˌeɪ ˈaɪ/ 人工智能,Artificial Intelligence 的缩写
innovation /ˌɪnəʊˈveɪʃn/ 创新,引入新的事物或方法以改善现状
impact /ˈɪmpækt/ 影响,效果,碰撞(此处指对社会的正面影响)
cloud computing /klaʊd kəmˈpjuːtɪŋ/ 云计算,一种基于网络的计算方式和服务模式
data analytics /ˈdeɪtə əˈnælɪtɪks/ 数据分析,对数据的处理、解释和可视化
problem-solving /ˈprɒbləm sɒlvɪŋ/ 解决问题,指找到并解决难题的能力
collaboration /kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃn/ 合作,协作,与他人共同完成任务或项目
leadership /ˈliːdəʃɪp/ 领导力,领导他人的能力或地位


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