

词根:-col-, -cult-, -colon-

【词根含义】:耕种,培育; 殖民

【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语动词colo, colere, colui, cult.us(居住,耕作), 过去分词词干为-cult-;此动词在拉丁语中的派生词有colonus(农夫,耕种者)和colonia(殖民地), 其词干为-colon-。

【同源单词】:agricultural, agriculture, agriculturist, aquaculture, cultivate




【同源单词】:collaborate, collaboration, collapse, colleague, collect

先看下英文原文关于 col 前缀的解释:In English, the prefix col- (as well as its variants com-, con-, cor-, and coun-) typically conveys the meaning of "together" or "jointly." It originates from the Latin prefix com-, which means "with" or "together." This prefix is commonly used in forming nouns, verbs, and adjectives. 其代表有一起的意思。

  • Colleague: A person with whom one works, especially in a professional setting.
  • College: An institution of higher education that provides instruction in a variety of subjects leading to a degree.
  • Collage: A work of art made by sticking together pieces of different materials, such as photographs, newspaper clippings, or magazine pages.
  • Collaborate: To work jointly with others to achieve a common goal.
  • Collect: To gather or assemble things together.
  • Collective: A group of individuals, items, or ideas acting as a unit.
  • Collide: To crash or impact into something with force.

College = col + e(a)ge → 年龄差不多的人一起 → 学院、大学 出于发音原因,这里a变e

Collage = col + la(r)ge → 把一块块的东西拼在一起会变大 拼贴画

Colleague = col + league (联盟-同 alliance,发音像 leg ) ,一起的联盟 → 同事 ague ['eɪgjuː] 疟疾;发冷;寒颤

collaborate = col + labor(劳动,工作)+ ate → 一起工作 → v. 合作

  • laboratory = labor(劳动,工作)+ at + ory (地点后缀) → n. 实验室 factory = fact(事实,有做的意思)+ ory (地点后缀) → n. 工厂
  • Collaboration 单词拆解 laboration(瑞典语 临产、同英文的 labor) aboration 流产 ,从 abort 使流产;使中止 意思引申过来

collapse = col + laps(滑倒)+ e → 一起滑倒 → v. 崩溃

  • laps 引申自 slip 滑出,滑动 slipper 拖鞋

collect = col + lect(选择;select)→ 选择后放在一起 → v. 收集

collaboration 协作;合著(col+labor劳动+ation→共同劳动)

collocate 并置,排列(col+loc地方+ate→放在同一地方→排列)

collingual 用同一种语言的(col+lingu语言+al→同语言的)

collapse 倒塌(col+lapse滑倒→全部滑倒→倒塌)

collate 校对(col+late放→放到一起→校对)

collateral 并列的,并行的(col+later边→al→周边的→并列的)

colleague 同事(col+→league捆绑→捆绑在一起的人→同事)

collect 收集(col+lect选择→放在一起选择→收集)

collegiate 学院的; 学生的(col+legi读+ate→共同读书→学院的)

colloquial 口语的(col+loqu说+ial→两人一起说→口语会话的)

collusion 共谋,勾结(col+lus玩+ion→共同玩弄→共谋)

correct 改正,纠正(cor+rect正→全部改正→纠正)

correspond 通信;符合(cor+respond反应→共同反应→相互通信)

corrupt 腐败的;变环的(cor+rupt断→全部断→变坏的,腐败的)

corrigible 能够改正的(cor+rig改正+ible→全部改正的)

corroborate 证实(cor+robor力量+ate→用力量→证实)

词根:col(cul) = neck(脖子)

  1. accolade(挂丰脖子附近ac<ad(=to ,near) + col(=neck))

n.称赞;赞赏;(the ~) 骑士爵位的授予典礼 The poet received a prestigious accolade from the Literary Society. 那位诗人得了文学协会的极高赞誉。

  1. collar

n.领子;(狗、马等的)项圈;(连接两个管子、连杆别车轴等的)箍 *col(=neck) blue/white collar workers 蓝领/白领工作者 collar stud 领扣 collar bone 锁骨

  1. decollation

n.断头 *de(=down) ,col(=neck)

  1. colony

n.殖民地;侨民;群体;[生]群落 *col(=till) colonist n.殖民地开拓者 the South Korean colony in New York 纽约的韩国侨民 a colony of artists 一群美术家 a colony of ants 一群蚂蚁

  1. colonial

adj.殖民地的 n.殖民地居民(尤其指开拓者的子孙)*col(=till) colonialism n.殖民政策;殖民主义 colonialist n.殖民主义者;殖民政策的支持者

  1. colonize

v.开拓殖民地 *col(=till) colonization n.殖民 colonizer n.殖民地开拓者

  1. neocolonialism

n.新殖民主义 *neo(=new),col(=till)

  1. col词根
  2. 以col为前缀的单词


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